Why are nitting loving men always thought to be gay??? Why do we judge other people??? Perhaps someone should shut down my computer now before I go nuts :)
Monday, March 27, 2006
Its sometimes tough being the only girl in the class, I adore my boys and enjoy being with them but I miss having (fun) girls around me... I have no backup when not trusted with a drill or a hammer or my advise are not taken seriously since Im just a girl (It never occurs to me that I might not know what Im talking about nonoo ;) Nobody means anything bad with it though but I keep wondering if I would be treated differently if I looked more like a truck driver. I´ve heard similar stories with many female film makers I have spoken with, its a mans job and women should just be home nitting... And when women dare to talk about it the males just accuse them of being feminists and hating men. Well Im just letting out some steam here, nothing serious, but I have to ask the big question, when will women finally be considered equals to men?
Reason for crankiness and exhaustion found and I have started taking antibiotics, nothing serious though ;) Tomorrow should be fun but a looooot of work, we will be starting to build the set for our comedy. Its going to have to look similar to Bessastaðir (the presidential residence) so its a big challenge. I cannot wait to start though since school has been a lot connected to computers in the last couple of months, very important stuff but I am very excited to get my hands dirty and start making a film again !!!
Friday, March 24, 2006
Im not being myself these days, all cranky, annoyed and stressed... last time I remember feeling this way was when I collapsed of stress in Australia when I was about to leave. I´m a good example of what stress can do to you but I´m working on feeling better... On the positive notes there are tons of fantastic stuff in my life, my class is working on a very exciting project, Edda Björgvinsdóttir (the one and only Stella í orlofi, famous actress/director in Iceland) is working with us on our final project and she has gathered a team of amazing actors (Jóhann Sigurðarson, Björgvin Franz, Steinn Ármann, Margrét Ákadóttir, Brynhildur Guðjónsdóttir (Edith Piaff)) and more). Very exciting stuff but very stressful... Today I almost died because of the script of our sit com and Murphies law but its too long and too painful to tell here... BUT my pregnant friend Ingileif has arrived to Iceland and I cannot wait to see her and her belly. And two other really close girlfriends are pregnant as well so I have a lot of reasons to be happy so Im going to snap out of it... snapping...
Thursday, March 23, 2006
I just came from the hairdresser (Gulla snilla) and she did miracles on my hair with all kinds of hairstuff. Its very very soft now and my curlies are curling again, but the hair is still so short that it pretty much look like a blowball (biðukolla). I dont think blowball is the right word but Im talking about when the seeds of dandelions get all fluffy and you can blow them... well never mind, it is starting to sound pervie :)
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
I got hit in the face on karate practice and I have a huge bruise on my cheek... People might think I suffer from domestic violence by my sister :) She is so strong that she usually beats the crap out of me when we are one on one in practice but this one was actually not her fault...
Monday, March 20, 2006
How stupid is it to go sober downtown but still feel hung over the day after... I blame the cigarette smoke...
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Well since nothing special happened today I will give away more clues about myself...
My ex : Hmm which one?
I feel: Hopeful
Maybe I should: Go celebrate St. Paddies instead of watchin 10 episodes of Buffy
I love: Life
I don't understand: Men
I lose: When playing cards
People say: They´re ok when they are not and vice versa
Love is: Amazing
I will always: Try to do what I want to do
Forever seems: Me attending school
When I woke up in the morning: I did not want to get up
I get annoyed when: People place money above nature
Parties are: A blessing
Kisses are the worst when: They don´t mean anything to the other person
Today I: Did´nt say something I really wanted to say
Tomorrow: I will finish that darn paper
I really want: To make this world a better place
I have low tolerance for people who: Brag, cheat, badmouth and steal
If I had a million dollars I would: Make the greatest documentary series ever and change the world. Yes I know I can do it :)
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
The big skiing adventure was a bit different from the original plan... When me and Steinunn got to the mountains all the elevators were closed due to bad weather. Soooo typical... We went back to the car and had a real picnic there with hot chocholate and cheese. We decided to walk up to a small slope and go for one ride. Well, when I had squeezed myself into the 20 year old ski shoes and had walked 2 meters I felt something strange happen. The right shoe had a huge crack underneath... well I decided to continue and up we went, after a long wresle I got the shoe on the ski and I had 2 seconds of lovely skiing. Then the shoe exploded and I fell off. Me and Steinunn were rolling in the snow laughing and finally she went to get the camera. I was determined to use the whole slope so I showed some fantastic one-footed skiing moves... Then we decided to use the rest of the day and went for a ride on the Reykjanes peninsula, so amazing landscape, frozen lakes and hot springs. Fantastic :)
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Im going skiing with Steinunn after school.... JEIIIIIIIIIII.... I will put on my 20 year old skiing gear and make a complete fool of myself since I have not been skiing for over 5 years (or more). BUT Im going and I cant wait :)
Monday, March 13, 2006
I will be working in Westman Islands this summer doing puffin research. YES PUFFINS !!! Someone asked me if I wasnt afraid of the bird flu but HELL NO, Im not afraid :) I might do part of my final project at shcool there so I will bring cameras and stuff with me, I am sooooo excited about this :) Talking about the bird flu, I cannot beleave how paranoid people are about it. Yes its potentially dangerous, yes its coming and yes its a bit scary... but there is no need to panick !!! Icelandic bird farmers are already killing their stock, its just rediculous, and people are afraid of eating chicken. People dont listen to the fact that you cannot get infected by eating bird meat. PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS !!!!!!
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Who doesnt love Bunnies in 30 sec? http://www.angryalien.com/
Well here I go again wasting my time, but now for my non-icelandic speaking friends :)
1. How tall are you barefoot?
176 cm / 5´9
2. Have you ever smoked heroin?
no and never will
3. Do you own a gun?
4. Rehab?
5. Do you get nervous before "meeting the parents"?
Of course...
6. What do you think of hot dogs?
Love Icelandic hot dogs
7. What's your favorite Christmas song?
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
9. Do you do push-ups?
Yes, Im getting very good at that :)
10. Have you ever done ecstacy?
Never and never will
11. Are you vegetarian?
Yes but I like meat too, like Björk says :)
12. Do you like painkillers?
Only when necessary
13. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
Not talking about tape worms or the sex life of crustaceans, it seems to scare most guys off :)
14. Do you own a knife?
I have a deadly knife set from IKEA in my kitchen
15. Do you have A.D.D.?
Too old for that diagnosis
16. Date Of Birth?
February 14th, 1977
17. Top 3 thoughts at this exact moment:
Sleep, food and finishing the article I should be doing rather than answering these 50 questions
18. Name the last 3 things you have bought?
Contact lenses, food, popcorn
19. Name five drinks you regularly drink:
1) water 2) milk 3) apple juice 4) Vodka ice 5) Orgasm
20. What time did you wake up today?
21. Current hair?
Too short, want my long curlies back
22. Current worry?
The article I have to finish
23. Current hate?
Not having more hours in each day
24. Favorite place to be?
25. Least favorite place to be?
26. Where would you like to go?
27. Do you own slippers?
Yes, many
28. Where do you think you'll be in 10 yrs?
A successful filmmaker :)
29. Do you burn or tan?
Both – I tan, but slooooooowly... need lots and lots of sunscreen not to burn
30. Last thing you ate?
Homemade coconut cake with cream... yummy
31. Would you be a pirate?
hmmm.... I dont think so...
32. Last time you had an alcoholic drink?
Couple of weekends ago and it almost killed me...
33. What songs do you sing in the shower?
All kind of stuff from operas to techno
34. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?
35. What's in your pockets right now?
nothing, but my handbag contains lots of strange stuff
36. Last thing that made you laugh?
Bunny video, Star wars in 30 seconds
37. Best bed sheets you had as a child?
I don´t remember
38. Worst injury you've ever had?
Broken cheekbone... now you know what cracking my skull did to me :)
39. Most fun you had this week?:
I had a fantastic time last Saturday on my first "band camp" :)
40. How many TVs do you have in your house?
41. Who is your loudest friend?
Steinunn and Helga at the moment because we scream a lot in karate :)
42. Who is your most silent friend?
My little stuffed elephant
43. Does someone have a crush on you?
I hope so:)
44. Do you wish on stars?
Yes I do when I see a shooting star, how can you not?
45. What is your favorite book?
Lord of the rings
46. What is your favorite candy?
47. What songs do/did you want played at your wedding?
All my favourite songs
48. What song do you want played at your funeral?
Prodigy or Röyksopp maybe :)
49. What were you doing 12AM last night?
50. Do you love the pain a tattoo brings?
I have never felt it but if I find the right tattoo I might try it out...
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
I am officially dead now, I lost myself somewhere on the floor of the karate dojo... No kidding tonights practice was so tough that I almost did not make it through. But Im slowly getting into shape so Im not going to whine more about it :) Im just going to crawl to bed now and hope that I will be ok in the morning...
Monday, March 06, 2006
JÆJA, ef þið þekktuð mig ekki fyrir þá munið þið þekkja mig eftir þetta... Af hverju hangir maður á netinu þegar maður er að kafna úr stressi yfir öllu því sem maður á eftir að gera???
(x) drukkið áfengi
( ) klesst bíl vinar/vinkonu
( ) stolið bíl
(x) verið ástfangin
(x) verið sagt upp af kærasta/kærustu
(x) faðmað einhvern ókunnugan
(x) verið rekin/n (já út úr erótískri búð í Amsterdam 1995 á leið til Ísrael, hahahah, við hlógum svo mikið)
( ) lent í slagsmálum
(x) læðst út meðan þú bjóst ennþá heima hjá foreldrunum
(x) haft tilfinningar til einhvers sem endurgalt þær ekki
( ) verið handtekin/n
(x) farið á blint stefnumót
( ) logið að vini/vinkonu
(x) skrópað í skólanum (Mér var spillt í MH :)
( ) horft á einhvern deyja
( ) farið til Canada (á leiðinni)
( ) farið til Mexico (á leiðinni)
(x) ferðast í flugvél (ójá...)
( ) kveikt í þér viljandi
( ) borðað sushi (finnst það mjög óspennandi)
(x) farið á sjóskíði
(x) farið á skíði (og dottið)
(x) hitt einhvern sem þú kynntist á internetinu
(x) farið á tónleika
(x) tekið verkjalyf
(x) elskar einhvern eða saknar einhvers akkurat núna
(x) legið á bakinu úti og horft á skýin
(x) búið til snjóengil
(x) haldið kaffiboð
(x) flogið flugdreka
(x) byggt sandkastala
(x) hoppað í pollum
(x) farið í "tískuleik" (dress up)
(x) rennt þér á sleða
(x) grátið svo mikið að þér finnst þú aldrei ætla að hætta
( ) svindlað í leik (ég hlýt að hafa svindlað einhverntíman, man samt ekki eftir því)
(x) verið einmana
(x) sofnað í vinnunni/skólanum
(x) notað falsað skilríki (ég heiti VÍST Þórunn Ingileif Gísladóttir!!!)
(x) fundið jarðskjálfta
(x) sofið undir berum himni (oft í Ástralíu, ahhh, það er svo gott)
(x) verið kitluð/kitlaður
(x) verið rænd/rændur (úff já, í Broome, Vestur Ástralíu)
(x) verið misskilin/n
(x) klappað hreindýri/geit/kengúru (Hef klappað öllum þessum dýrum :)
(x) farið yfir á rauðu ljósi/virt stöðvunaskyldu að vettugi
( ) verið rekin/n eða vísað úr skóla
(x) lent í bílslysi
(x) verið með spangir/góm
(x) liðið eins og þú passaðir ekki inn í/þriðja hjól undir vagni
(x) borðað líter af ís á einu kvöldi (hahah ég er íssvelgur)
(x) fengið deja vu
(x) dansað í tunglskininu
(x) fundist þú líta vel út
( ) verið vitni að glæp
(x) efast um að hjartað segði þér rétt til
( ) verið gagntekin/n af post-it miðum (ha?)
(x) leikið þér berfætt/ur í drullunni
(x) verið týnd/ur
(x) fundist þú vera að deyja (drukknaði næstum því í Suður-Afríku, var drukkin að synda í sjónum og lenti í straumi)
(x) grátið þig í svefn
(x) farið í löggu og bófa leik
(x) litað nýlega með vaxlitum (já þegar við Steinunn gerðum partýhatt fyrir Karateárshátíðina)
(x) sungið í karaókí
(x) borgað fyrir máltíð eingöngu með smápeningum
(x) gert eitthvað sem þú lofaðir sjálfri/sjálfum þér að gera ekki
(x) hringt símahrekk
(x) hlegið þannig að gosið frussaðist út um nefið á þér
(x) stungið út tungunni til að ná snjókorni
(x) dansað í rigningunni
( ) skrifað bréf til jólasveinsins (ég hef aldrei trúað á jólasveininn)
( ) verið kysst/ur undir mistilteini
(x) horft á sólarupprásina með einhverjum sem þér þykir vænt um
(x) blásið sápukúlur
(x) kveikt bál á ströndinni
(x) komið óboðin/n í partý..
( ) verið beðin/n um að yfirgefa partýið sem þú komst óboðin/n í
(x) farið á rúlluskauta/línuskauta
(x) hefur einhver óska þinna ræst
(x) farið í fallhlífastökk
(x) hefur einhver haldið óvænt boð fyrir þig (MH vinkonurnar mínar vöktu mig með söng og flautuspili á 17 ára afmælisdaginn minn og komu með kökur og pakka... ég er svo heppin að eiga svona góða vini, snökt...)
No more f$#&ing aluminium smelters in Iceland, sign up please: http://www.alverin.muna.is/
I cannot beleave I missed the earthquake... I was leaning in my chair and I was the only one in my class that did not feel it !!! Its not fair !!! It was 4.5 points per Richter so it was not a huge one but an earthquake is an earthquake.
4 störf sem ég hef unnið um ævina: Í dýragarðinum hans Steve Irwin, Rannsóknarstofu í lyfja- og eiturefnafræði, Líffræðistofnun, stuepige på Hotel Hebron i København
4 bíómyndir sem ég get horft á aftur og aftur: LOTR myndirnar, Stella í Orlofi, Flash Gordon og Amelie
4 staðir sem ég hef búið á: Køben, Geelong í Ástralíu, Reykjavík og Kópavogur
4 sjónvarpsþættir sem ég fíla: Lost, House, Sex and the city, Gilmore Girls
4 staðir sem ég hef heimsótt í fríum: New York, Møn í Danmörku, Ástralía, Madagaskar
4 síður sem ég skoða daglega: mbl.is, pósturinn minn
4 matarkyns sem ég held uppá: mömmumatur, dominos pizza, kebab, ís
4 staðir sem ég vildi heldur vera á núna: Geelong, Shark Bay í Vestur-Ástralíu, New York, Urquharts Bluff (þar sem antechinusarnir mínir eru).
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Hey, long time no see. Its been more than a year since I last blogged and then I was just back from Australia. Now my life is very different but still Im having a great time. But not having so much fun tonight, went to see Brokeback mountain in the movies... Great great film but during half the film drunk teenagers (behind us) were screaming and throwing popcorn around. I HATE teenagers !!!!!
I also noticed that ALL comments since 2002 are GONE... blogger.com has somehow erased them all... how can that happen... perhaps it was my fault, everytime I come near a computer these days something awful happens.