Wednesday, September 27, 2006

ÁFRAM ÓMAR !!!! Stórkostlegt framtak og gaman að vera meðal þeirra 15 þúsund Íslendinga sem sýndu það í verki að þeim stendur ekki á sama um eyðilegginguna sem er í gangi á hálendinu okkar.

Gangan með Ómari
Saving Iceland

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Went up to mount Esja today with new buddies from the rescue team :)

Friday, September 22, 2006

Im sure my parents would agree that this could have been me when i was a little girl :)

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Im so proud, a puffling was named after me :) Its the little one that was found early in August and it was still covered in down and it has now been raised and fed at the Fish museum. It became a film star of the Discovery film and it stayed at my house for 2 nights while we were shooting and i fed it shrimps :)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

School has started and the crazy summer is over. Very mixed feelings, I loved my job and love the Westman Islands but Im also happy to start school and get my life back in Reykjavík. Miss my birdies so much though... Im addicted to feathers...

Saturday, September 09, 2006

„Ef búnaðurinn í Hvalfirði stenst skoðun erum við tilbúnir að hefja hvalveiðar í lok september,“ segir Kristján Loftsson, framkvæmdastjóri Hvals hf. Hann er þeirrar skoðunar að ekki sé eftir neinu að bíða; hvalirnir bíði eftir skutlunum........ HVALIRNIR BÍÐI EFTIR SKUTLUNUM ???!!!!???!!! .... Ég bara á ekki til orð.... hvernig í andskotanum er hægt að segja svona?

The icelandic whaler Kristján Loftsson says on the news: There is nothing to wait for, the whales are already waiting to be harpooned. WTF???? How can you say this in public?? Makes me asamed of being a part of a society that approves this.

Monday, September 04, 2006

A great hero of mine is gone :'( I remember when i first saw Steve Irwin on TV, it was exciting and thrilling and I fell in love with him in one second. He is a big part of the reason why I decided to dedicate my life doing wildlife films. Shivering I wrote to the Australia Zoo and asked for a volunteer position and never in my dreams thought that the answer could be positive. My heart took thousand turns when i opened the invitation letter and off I went. I didnt spend very long time at the zoo but the experience will always be a part of who I am. I met Steve, Terri and Bindi when we all found ourselves picking wild passion fruit of the same tree outside the parking lot. They were laughing and I felt so lucky that they would speak to me, truly amazing people. I was also lucky enough to be a part of a crowd control crew that kept visitors away from him while he filmed scenes of crocodile episode. It was amazing to see him work and I learned so much from him. I just want to say thank you Steve and my best wishes go to Terri, Bindi, Bob and all the grieving staff at the Australia Zoo.