Wow.. PUFFINSPUFFINSPUFFINS... They are everywhere those cutest creatures alive (among many others). We were taken by a small boat (dingie) to one of the islands and we climbed up the steep slope (pheew) and found a puffin paradise :) We were actually looking for another bird species (Sherwater) also living in holes but did not find any. They only fly out at night so we were playing birdsounds from a CD to attract them out of the holes. Either they did not want to talk to us or they were not there... the bird colony has not been monitored for the last 15 years and there is a spanish biologist coming tonight for research. I will go and help him and that means climbing that island every day for the next week or so... should get me super fit or dead very soon ;) We did catch one puffin today, we interrupted a very intimate moment with a puffin pair and Yann got one when they had just rolled into a hole. The poor thing was reeeally angry and disappointed to be interrupted with his partner and was happy to crawl back into the hole after being marked :)
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Well, finally I have arrived to the lovely Westmanislands, woohoooo :) Its very very very windy here and this morning me and Anna (from Austria) had to be very careful not to be blown off the cliffs. We went looking for sandlóa (ringed plover) and only found 3... bummer, but we saw loads of other bird species, among them some that I have never seen before. I even saw súlukast, which is the dive of the Gannet, quite close to the shore :) We saw puffins flying around and on the water but they dont seem to be on land during the day. We will check on them late tonight and see where they are then. I wont start the puffin project until next week so I will be helping out with a project on the bird skrofa (Manx Shearwater). That is a bird I didnt even know existed. Its a bit strange to be working with birds when I have NEVER worked with birds, but Im learning a lot and having great fun. I am a bit embarressed though not knowing or remembering things that I should and my austrian coworker knows more about the icelandic birds than I do ;) hmmmmm.....
Monday, May 22, 2006
LORDI LORDI LORDI :) Wooohoooooo go Finland winning the Eurovision Song Contest !!!! Now I am all packed and ready to go to the Westman Islands tomorrow... An hours drive and then 3 hours in a boat to get there so it feels far away even thought its not that far. Hmmmm too tired to write anything interesting so Id better get some rest...
Friday, May 19, 2006
Svíþjóð.... ahhhhh hvað get ég sagt? :) Sigrún og Snævar urðu Dr. Sigrún og Dr. Snævar og stóðu sig með glans á doktorsvörnunum og ekki var nú partýið á eftir leiðinlegt HAHAHAHAH (Måns hlátur- Måns er skeggjaður kall sem lítur út eins og gamalt fress í framan). Svo var farið í sumarbústað, hjólað, farið í tívolí, borðað geeeeeðveikt mikið af mat, ís, bilar nammi, snakki, grillmat og meiri ís (bümbaaaaa). Einnig var farið í bátsferð til Skokloster og dansað á bryggjunni, farið í Linu Langsokk-krúsídúllubæinn Sigtúna, farið í KÜBB, klaufdýraskoðunarferðir, gengið um í Gamla Stan í Stokkhólmi, hitta bróður og litla frænda í 10 mínútur, skoða kongliga námur og kíkja á vitaskip sem búið er að steypa niður í bryggju. Ekki má gleyma hinu ógurlega Júróvisjón partýi í gærkvöldi þar sem fylgst var með falli Sylvíu Nætur og upprisu LORDI :) jeiiiiiii, rosalega er hann frábær HAHAHAHAH (Måns hlátur). Þessir 10 dagar voru bestu 10 dagar sem ég hef átt í laaaaaangan tíma í besta félagsskap sem hægt er að hugsa sér (KNÚÚÚS) og ég á eftir að lifa á þessu í allt sumar. Takk Sigrún, Snævar (aka SNEEEVAR með finnlanssænskum hreim) og bumba, Steinunn, Ari, Lóa, Hrönn, Hrafnhildur Magga, Magga Vala, Logi, Arna, Karvel og afkvæmi og svo Inger Rós, Kiddi og bumba og Ingileif og Michael og bumba/ekki bumba í langan tíma í viðbót fyrir að vera með okkur í anda. Takk takk takk... (neðritannabros-panta svoleiðis msn kall :)
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Just put me on a mental hospital right away... Its almost 11pm and I have not yet packed for my flight tomorrow morning and yet I am writing this... hmmm where is my priority anyway? Today everything that can go wrong, has gone wrong. Computers breaking down and my CAR BREAKING DOWN... Hopefully I will make the flight...
Woooohooooooo :) Very unexpectedly I got the ORANGE belt in karate last night. The thing is that I will be away now for 10 days and then going straight to the Westman Islands so I wont be able to take the test with the others, and Sensei Gunni was so incredibly nice that he just asked me, do you want to do it now??? And I just... SURE :) and i pretty much did it on adrenaline since I was exhausted after the training session. But now I am a proud wearer of the orange belt and a HUGE weight is off my shoulders :) UPPSALA TOMORROW :)
Sunday, May 07, 2006
School finished yesterday and the premiere was a big success :) Its difficult to find things funny after having written the script, built the set, shot the scenes AND edited and sounmixed the whole thing. But people liked it and we got really good responses. Its strange to be finished and it feels both empty and unreal. My class has been glued together for a long time now and the goodbyes were bittersweet. My feelings are very mixed at the moment and I dont know if I should cry or laugh, I guess I really REALLY need to get away to clear my head and HEY thats exactly what I will be doing, Wednesday morning :) uppsalauppsalauppsalauppsala...
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Only 6 more sleeps until the great Uppsala adventure... I cannot wait, the stress is really putting a mark on me. Tonight is the first night for weeks that I dont have million things to do and there are at least 3 episodes of Lost waiting for me on tape. I do have some stuff to finish tonight so a grand "Lost" night will be held... well I dont know when... Tomorrow is the last day of school and the premiere of our work since January, individual projects and our big "Sit Com" show so its all very exciting :) zzzz