Thursday, May 25, 2006

Wow.. PUFFINSPUFFINSPUFFINS... They are everywhere those cutest creatures alive (among many others). We were taken by a small boat (dingie) to one of the islands and we climbed up the steep slope (pheew) and found a puffin paradise :) We were actually looking for another bird species (Sherwater) also living in holes but did not find any. They only fly out at night so we were playing birdsounds from a CD to attract them out of the holes. Either they did not want to talk to us or they were not there... the bird colony has not been monitored for the last 15 years and there is a spanish biologist coming tonight for research. I will go and help him and that means climbing that island every day for the next week or so... should get me super fit or dead very soon ;) We did catch one puffin today, we interrupted a very intimate moment with a puffin pair and Yann got one when they had just rolled into a hole. The poor thing was reeeally angry and disappointed to be interrupted with his partner and was happy to crawl back into the hole after being marked :)