Thank you guys for all the e-mails, i have read them all and will try to answer as soon as possible... Today I am pretty much doing nothing, just relaxing and resting my foot. After the walk in the national park i somehow hurt my foot and it is difficult to walk, but dont worry, i will be ok ;) The people here in Koala backpackers are sooo nice and i have made many friends, i am going with some of them to Frasier island very soon. We will stay here for couple of days. Jaeja, im off to the swimming pool ;)
Thursday, October 31, 2002
Tuesday, October 29, 2002
Now I am in Noosa staying in a "partyhouse" backpackers hostel called Coala. I was actually going to another one more quiet but everyone in the bus was going here ;) It is cool and i have met some really nice people, yesterday there was a binbag party and a Aussie BBQ... Today me and Sharon, a girl from israel, went together to the Noosa National park and we saw a sleeping koala, some lizards, one snake, dolphins and a kookoburra bird, it didnt laugh though... does anybody know how to make a kookoburra laugh?? This national park is very very small but we managed to take a 3 hour hike, both walking by the shore and in the rainforest. I am now a bit sunburned but will be fine in few days.
I have been seeing some really funny people here, in Brisbane bus station there was a man who looked exactly like the old man in Crocodile Dundee, Helga, you will at least know who I am talking about hehe.
Sunday, October 27, 2002
Australia continues to surprise me... it has been sunny and very warm since i came here but today it was below 20°C... brrrrr... rainy and windy. But the good thing is that all the rain has hopefully stopped the fires that have destroyed large areas of land and many houses. Instead of going to Moreton Island we went south to Tweed Heads which is the southest part of Queensland and further sourth to Byron Bay in New South Wales. Byron Bay is an old hippy community and remains its old atmosphere with hippylooking people everywhere. Even though the weather was too bad for sunbathing the waters were crowded with surfers and I admire theire strength to tolerate the cold, but they got wind and good waves. I have been trying out some didges and I wanna buy one and practice while traveling. I really want to buy it from the artist but not in a tourist shop so i will cruise the Aboriginal art shops over the next days.
Tomorrow i am going to Noosa which is north of Brisbane and Sunshine Coast ;)
Saturday, October 26, 2002
This morning i went to the movies and saw the Crocodile Hunter movie... it was more entertaining than i thought it would be, and if you like Steve Irwins shows you should like the movie. Ofcourse seeing the movie in Australia near Steves Zoo where i will be working made it even more exciting ;)
Brisbane is a very cosy city and comfortable to live in. It is split in two sections by a river and today i went with the river boat City Cat to the center and bought tickets to Darwin like i wrote in the last report. Tomorrow i am going to Moreton Island which is near Brisbane and linked with a ferry, it is a beautyful place as you can see on the homepage and even has its own Blue Lagoon...
The australians are very friendly and have theire own habits like barbeque and picnic, its amazing seeing all the families spread around everywhere where there is a piece of grass with theire carpets and baskets. And i have discovered one thing.... neighbours in Australia are just like NEIGHBOURS, the soup opera... at least in the suburbs. Everyone knows everyone, not like in Iceland where you barely know your closest neighbours. I really like it here ;)
Thursday, October 24, 2002
Hey everybody.
Brisbane is a great city, very friendly and cosy. I am staying with my cousin Stella her husband and two daughters, 3 and 5 year olds. Today me Stella and the girls went to a Koala zoo and those of you who know me well should be able to imagine my reaction when they handed me a small koala.... ohhhh myyyy gooood, they are sooo cute and soft. There were all kinds of koalas there and devided into groups, mummys with joeys (youngs), girls, boys and retired, the retired ones are very old and tired but still very cute ;) Now they are my absolute favourite aniamals (... and ofcource rhinos, chameleons and mouse lemurs). Unfortunately koalas are endangered, both because they are loosing theire habitat, they just eat leafs of eucalyptus trees, and because many of them are infected by clamydia that makes them sterile. So we should all cross our fingers and hope they will be saved, thank you ;) The park did not only have koalas but other australian animals as well, the kangaroos and wallabys were very cute, all in an open area where people can walk and feed them. I have never been licked and druled on by a kangaroo before so it was a great experience ;)
I will stay in Brisbane untill sunday and then i am heading north, probably take a bus up to Cairns and the buscard is valid for 30 days and i can go on and off as many times as i want. I am thinking about taking a 5 day trip from Cairns to Darwin with a small group and we would see some non touristic places which would suit me very well. The weather here is fantastic, 30-35 °C and sunny... just telling that to make you jou jellous ;) hehe... Untill later :o)
Tuesday, October 22, 2002
Good morning :)
Now I am in the Hong Kong airport waiting for my flight to Brisbane. A fellow passenger told me that i should go into Hong Kong city center but it is foggy and not very good weather so I think I will do it on my way back home. This man who was beside me in the plane from London looks just like Albert Einstein and we had a very interesting conversation ;)
Saturday, October 19, 2002
Hey all
Two days to go, and i will be in Australia in 4 days because this is a terrible long flight with long stops in London and Hong Kong :s . I will be writing in english so everybody can understand. Just remember to press the reload button so you can see the newest reports ;) I will begin in Brisbane with my cousin and I have no idea what I will be doing after that... I will keep you posted ;)
Wednesday, October 02, 2002
1. Hitta Steve Irwin Crocodile Hunter
2. Verða hvorki étin/bitin af krókódíl né stungin af kóngulóm/snákum/risamarglyttum/breiðnefjum
3. Læra almennilega að spila á yidaki (didgeridoo)
4. Gera heimildamynd
Efni og áhöld
Ég, bakpoki, videmyndatökuvél, föt, yidaki og sólarvörn
Mánudagurinn 21. október, Keflavík-London-Hong Kong-Brisbane... 44 klukkutímar ó mæ god, ég vona að ég lifi það af. Byrja hjá Stellu frænku minni sem býr í Brisbane, á austurströndinni, og hún ætlar að vera svo indæl að sækja mig á flugvöllinn. Svo verður stefnan tekin norður til Darwin með viðkomu á nokkrum ströndum, eyjum og regnskógum. Í Darwin býr bróðir vinar míns sem ætlar að fara með mig að veiða fisk í krókódílaá, vonandi sé ég nokkra stóra ;) Svo ætla ég að heimsækja þjóðgarðana í norðrinu, Kakadu og fleiri og stefna svo suður til Alice Springs. Ganga á Uluru (Ayers Rock) og kynnast frumbyggjum. Það verða mjög líklegast rauð jól hjá mér því þá verð ég í Melbourne hjá vinafólki en svo fer ég af stað aftur uppúr áramótum því ég byrja að vinna hjá Crocodile Hunter þann 15. janúar og verð þar að krókódílast í 4 vikur. Svo mun
ég líklega heimsækja frumbyggjakonuna June sem býr Lightning Ridge í New South Wales. Flugið heim verður álíka strembið og flugið út þ.e. mikil bið á flugvöllum þannig að þið verðið að vera góð við mig þegar ég loksins skríð úr flugvélinni ;)
Þessi ferð mun líklegast ekki virka sem lyf við ferðabakteríunni því ég stefni á fleiri ferðir eftir þessa ferð ;) Ég á heimsálfurnar Suður-Ameríku og Antarktíku eftir...