Starfsþjálfunin hjá Kompás hefur verið alveg brjálæðislega spennandi en einnig mjög krefjandi og erfið. Mér finnst ég vera mjög heppin að fá tækifæri til að vinna með og læra af svona frábæru fólki. Ef þið misstuð af barnaníðingaþættinum í gær þá getið þið séð hann hérna og ekki missa heldur af næsta þætti þar sem fleiri barnaníðingar mættu inn fyrir dyrnar hjá tálbeitunni. Ég er líka spennt að heyra hvað fólki finnst um þetta.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Monday, January 08, 2007
"My" first film on Animal planet !!!!!!!
Go check it out, its part of a series of 2 minute films under the name "Love Animals" that are shown between programs on Animal Planet. A crew from Discovery channel came over to the Westman Islands in Iceland last summer when I was working there and I became a part of the crew. The film is on pufflings (Puffin chicks) and how the children in the village find the ones that have been tricked by the lights and release them to sea.
The other shortfilms in this series are about: a bee keeper in Holland, a dog/owner lookalike competition, a boy and a llama etc. Its definitely shown in the European Animal Planet, dont know about the US one...
Because of this project I was offered an internship at Channel 4 in London and if everything goes as planned, Im going there in September for unplanned amount of time :) :) :) :)
These are the first steps I am making as a film maker so as you can imagine, I AM VERY EXCITED :) (my loyal readers are used to this expression by now) haha.