Monday, May 17, 2004

We have a special numerical system Cedric, so we give them numbers by clipping in their ears. So for example a whole notch in the front right ear is number 1, whole notch in middle right ear is nr. 2, and 10 is a whole notch in the front left year, also half notches and double half notches so it is possible to mark few hundred animals differently... I will be looking at dispersal, the theory is that female young stay near mother while male young disperse to prevent inbreeding. Thats why I will be doing toeclipping because at the time the pouch young are still with their mother their ears are too small to clip, but when I trap them few months later I will look at their toes and I can see who their mother is and will give them their own number by earmarking. By trapping regularly I will monitor the population in the area and see which animals disperse and which stay in the area. I will also look at the vegetation in detail because they are very fussed about their vege, dont want too much nor too little and also prefer being around sertain species of plants.
I heard that you guys had a Eurovison party... it was on tellie here last night and I just had to watch it, I aggree, the Icelandic song was nothing special... The australian guy who was describing it had to remind the australians that they COULD NOT VOTE !!! Thought that was a bit funny hehe...

I just had a brilliant weekend with Meg, my co-Xavier Rudd fan and co-trapper. Xaviers concert was absolutely brilliant and when we were collecting our tickets an hour before HE WALKED PASSED US, stupid me was looking down at the ticket but Meg caught his eye lucky girl. We started giggling like 15 year olds and almost ran after him... He is sooooo cute and adorable :) His music is so catchy and it is totally impossible to stay still when he is playing so everybody started to move when he started to play. Then people started standing up from their seets and dancing... Then a big Hitler type of a guy stopped the consert and ordered everyone to sit down because of fire regulations... everyone started boooing at the guy but Xavier was cool the whole time. Then everyone sat down and he started playing again... then people started to move and the same thing happend again, people dancing everywhere. Then the big guy spoke to Xavier which had to ask people to sit down. I cannot beleave how cool he was and he just made jokes about it. Still there were people who refused to sit down and in the end the police came and took them... Quite interesting but not once did Xavier hesitate or become awkward, he just laughed and said that this was one of his most memoriable and special concerts. He is going on a tour to USA and wont be back untill August but me and Meg will definately go and see him again then. Those of you who have not looked at his page have to look now :)