Very long time since I wrote and I have very little time to write since I am situated in the middle of nowhere, an hours walk to reach internet !!! I have been doing sooo much since I last wrote and I wont be able to write about it all now... So I will try to put it as short as I can.
Shark Bay
One of the highlights of my trip, an amazing experience. I met my coworker Darren in the bus from Perth and he is just an amazing character, thank you Darren for teaching me all that meaningless aussie slang and being a great friend. And then ofcourse there was Blair, the bushman who died his hair blond and scared all the wallaby's ;) Thanks to Blair I got the chance to do what I mostly wanted to do in Australia, spend time with endangered animals and do something to help them. We were radiotracking woylies at night and I also helped in the breeding centre (they are breeding endangered animals like Bilbies, woylies, malas etc.) and I also spent couple of days working with the dolphins in Monkey Mia. Amazing two weeks.
Australia Zoo
After 4 DAYS in train and bus, I finally got to Brisbane... I can never complain about long and uncomfortable travels after that experience, dont recommend it ;) I had half a day in Sydney and managed to meet Luke, my irish mate since Fraser island for couple of beers. My cousin Stella was so extremely sweet to pick me up in Brisbane and drive me to Australia Zoo. I am staying at a motorlodge 1,5 km from the zoo, and it is very isolated, but very nice. I have TV, air con, swimming pool and a microwave in my room ;) I have met very good people at the zoo and the work is fun. The first two days I was in the croc section, but we are not allowed to go near them, but I was in crowd control at the shows, and Terri Irwin did one of the shows. Steve is now overseas but he could pop in any time. Today I was at the Kids Zoo, walking goats and kalf and helping with the feeding. That was good ;) Today was special, both because of my birthday ofcourse and they were celebrating Valentines day, so there was a lot of things going on. Musicians, facepantings, free chocolate etc. I will be here for another 3 or 4 weeks, I am not sure if I will be here all the time I had planned, perhaps I will get enough of poo cleaning in 3 weeks... I am still trying to decide ;)