Friday, August 20, 2004

I did not think it was possible for me to love and adore Xavier Rudd more than I already did but after last night I do. The concert was absolutely amazing even though we were almost up in the ceiling and he just looked like a jelly bean on the stage. That was the only minus, not to see his facial expressions and movements, but it was great nevertheless. The roof almost went off the building when he played "Let me be" which is the song on the video I made with all my animals (for those of you who have seen it). Xavier attracts a lot of hippie/surfing types of people and the main messages through his songs are antiwar and rights for the aboriginal people.
He is going away again to the US after his short tour here so I dont know if I will see him again... :( I will just have to ring him up and say Hey Xav, fancy doing a tour in Iceland?