Thursday, June 24, 2004

Its been a long time since I have been as tired as I am now... Im almost falling off the chair. Me and Kate have been trapping all week, three of her sites and my Urquharts Bluff site... 190 traps to check every day. The first 3 days were ok because the weather was quite good, Kate sites are horrible though, specially one which is just one thick prickly bush and branches which we had to fight through, and it is in a slippery hill... In the end of the first day my feet were trembling and I felt like a cookiedough. Today we picked up the traps and the weather was just horrible, it rained all the time and we were absolutely soaking and dirty. We still have not washed the trappes, will do it tomorrow... sigh... BUT this is only the bad part of the story, the GOOD part is that we caught a lot of animals. Mostly bush rats on Kates sites and minnies (Swamp antechinus) on my site BUT we also caught a WHITE FOOTED DUNNART, which are soooo cute. I have caught one before with Kylie but Kate had not seen one before. They are just adorable. And all my minnies were there, did not get my little missie nr 44 on the first day which made me worried because she is very trap happy. She comes usually in the traps every day and sometimes twice a day because she likes peanutbutter. So when I did not get her the first day I was so worried that she was dead but she came the next day so I was very happy :) My boys are getting quite big and agressive, with biiig scrotums and lots of hormones. Sad that I will never see them again because next time I will trap, in August, they will be dead... Yes all the males die after the breeding season poor things. Me and Kate had meant to go for a swim after we finished today, yes my site is ON the Great ocean road nearby the best surfing beaches in Australia... we saw lots of surfers but in the end we were so cold and wet that we just wanted to go home and take a shower... Tonight me, Kylie and her "friend", Ellen and Meg are going on a concert with Alex Lloyd, so I better go back home and have a kip (nap) so I will stay awake tonite... Alex Lloyds most fammous song is probably "Amazing" which some of you may know... Well, Im off... zzz knusimusi